About Athma Vidhya

Athma Vidhya | Maha Vidhya | Sri Vidhya

About Us

Life Transforming Vidhya

Sri Gurubyo Nama:

Sri Maathre Nama:


What is Athma Vidhya?

What do we know about ourselves? We know our age, profession, family, our body parts and likes and dislikes. But is that all?

A dying man is taken to a doctor, the doctor examines him and says, had you brought him a few minutes ago, we could have saved him. Now, that dead man is not considered the same though he has the same body, features and organs. What is it that left him when he is declared dead? Is it the prana? Or the life force, or the soul?

Athma Vidhya is the Knowledge of the Self. Knowing that what is in the cosmos is within me (andathil ullathu pindathil undu). And that the cosmos is me, and I and the cosmos are inseparable.

When such knowledge dawns in a man, he becomes the cosmos. He learns the secrets of the universe and the millions of world in it. He treats everything with equanimity and enjoys every single moment of his life. He overcomes the limitations of the body and sees, hears, and experiences everything in the cosmos as part of himself.

Why Athma Vidhya?

Why not Sri Vidhya or some other name? In Lalitha Sahasranamam, there is a verse which runs like this—“Athma Vidhya, Maha Vidhya, Sri Vidhya…” Athma Vidhya is the first name given to this knowledge. Knowledge of Oneself. Any stream of knowledge is called Vidhya. Knowing the Jivathma or the Paramathma is a stream of knowledge, a knowledge that is complete in itself. Hence, the name ‘Vidhya’. In short, self-realization of the ‘Athma’ through a ‘Vidhya’ facilitated by Guru Srivathsan Swamy.

What will you learn in Athma Vidhya?

You will learn about The Great Mother Goddess. The One who created the whole of the cosmos, and the One who rules everything in it. Like it is said in Lalitha Sahasranamam, “Sri Maatha, Sri Maharagni and Srimat Simasaneshwari” – The Universal Mother, The Great Empress and The One who is seated on a great throne.

You will learn about the All-Inclusive Mother Goddess, Sri Maha Tripura Sundari, through mantra and tantra dikshas. The upasaka will first learn how is just like Her, the Brahmam. Then, he will understand that there are other selves who are like the Brahmam. And finally, how the Paramathma is inside him, the Jivathma.

He will understand, ‘Prapanjam is Shakthi rupam’ and that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the Jivathma and the Paramathma. He will gain Athma Vignyanam, Knowledge of his Self. He will enjoy everything in the cosmos as bliss—he will attain moksha in this life by imbibing and eventually becoming Brahmam.

Our group is an evolving group. Athma Vidhya’s focus is on self realization in every athma. We follow Sri Vidhya path. In this path, we are enabling the people to know the things in this path deeper. We focus on understanding rather than just memorizing the slogas.

We also follow, explain the manthras, thanthras, slogas, sahasranamas. Everything is targeted towards the actual realization. Guru Srivathsan Swamy teaches in a simplified but more effective way.

Any body who has the desire to learn a great vidhya and stay committed could join through the Telegram Channel and Telegram group. Try the class for a day.

Sri Gurubyo Nama: