Maha Ganapathy Chathuravriddhi Tharpanam
A life changer start

About Maha Ganapathy Chathuravarththi Tharpanam

Life’s new start

Sri Gurubyo Nama:

Sri Maathre Nama:

For any spiritual practice, the body of the practitioner (upasaka) has to be strong and conducive for rigorous routines and extensive periods of meditation. To ensure the body’s disposition is strong and balanced, a Sri Vidhya upasaka, especially one who follows the Samayachara marga, starts with strengthening his Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra).

Maha Ganapathy, who rules the Muladhara Chakra, plays a significant role in Sri Vidhya tantra. He is the first deity to be invoked and Maha Ganapathy Chaturavritti Tarpanam is the ultimate way to seek the blessings of Lord Ganapathy to remove all obstacles in the path of Sri Vidhya.

The Muladhara Chakra is the storehouse of several vrittis (whirlpools of disturbances)—the chakra holds the basic instincts of a human body’s need for physical pleasure, in the form of food, life (fear), sleep and sex. Overcoming these vrittis is the key to success in the path of tantra yoga. Maha Ganapathy along with His Consort Siddhalakshmi is invoked through tarpanam to overcome all the vrittis.

How to get initiated?

The upasaka starts his Sri Vidhya journey with Maha Ganapathy moola mantra. After a period of regular and daily japam of Maha Ganapathy moola mantra, the upasaka is initiated into the tharpanam process.

Maha Ganapathy is said to be extremely pleased with tarpanam and hence, he is likely to lift all the obstacles from the practitioner. When the upasaka starts on the tarpanam, which is 444 tarpanams, his Muladhara is stoked and he gets this insatiable quest to learn more and becomes receptive to more siddhis. Tarpanam creates a rhythmic balance in the body, ensuring the upasaka is prepared for the journey ahead.

Adi Shankaracharya mentions in the Prapancha Saram, that all people irrespective of caste, creed or religion can do the Maha Ganapathy Chathuravriti Tarpanam to seek the blessings of Lord Maha Ganapathy by following the required niyamas:

Ayur arogya maishwaryam balam pushtir mahatyasha

kavitvam bukti mukti cha chaturavrutti tarpanaat

By doing Ganapathy Chaturavrutti Tarpanam regularly, one is blessed with Ayush (a long life), Arogyam (good health), Aishwaryam (dharmic wealth), Balam (strength), Pushti (lasting eminence), Mahat Yashas (great honour and veneration), Kavitvam (literary skills), Bukti (enjoyment of worldly life) and Mukti (moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

Students of Athma Vidhya are first initiated into the Maha Ganapathy Moola Mantra and then, into doing the Maha Ganapathy Chathuravriti Tarpanam.

Guru guides them throughout the journey explaining the rituals and nyasas involved and the correct pronunciation of the mantras. During the journey, many practitioners experience an intense fight within, between their basic instincts and high ideals. Guru’s guidance and support enables upasakas to overcome these in a calm and composed manner.

Sri Gurubyo Nama: