Soundarya Lahari

Waves of beauty

About Sri lalitha sahasranamam

Admiring Her beauty

Sri Gurubyo Nama:

Sri Maathre Nama:

Soundarya Lahari (‘Waves of Beauty’) is considered to one of the most ancient literatures on the beauty and magnificence of Devi, the Mother Goddess or Sri Lalitha Maha Tripura Sundari. The 100 verses of Soundarya Lahari explain the grandeur and mahatmayam of Devi in hymns of praise, love and adoration.

Composed and compiled by Jagadhguru Shri Adi Shankaracharya, Soundaryam means ‘beauty’. The literature’s first 41 verses (1-41) are supposed to be the work of Lord Shiva (Lord Kameswaran) Himself and the remaining, 42-100 verses, called Ananda Lahari, are supposed to be the compositions of Jagadhguru.

Advanced text in Sri Vidhya journey

Soundarya Lahari describes Ambal’s rupa lavanyam (the beauty of the Goddess), from head to toe and explains in great detail about Sri Chakra Yantra, Sri Vidhya upasakam (practice) and the niyamas (rules to be followed) in Sri Vidhya tantra. Only those how know and understand Lalitha Sahasranama (1000 names of the Goddess) can understand the deeper meaning of verses in Soundarya Lahari.

It is an advanced text for a Sri Vidhya upasaka (practitioner) as it holds the key to the secrets of Sri Vidhya tantra. It explores in great depth how the upasaka has to search for Ambal within him and prescribes ways to find her in the ocean of nectar within his heart. For instance, the verse “sudha sindhor maddhye…” details about the Ambal sitting amidst an ocean of nectar with all the other Gods in constant adulation of her. One might think that the scene happens in some far-fetched space, whereas it is actually about the inherent presence of Devi in one’s own heart. It expounds why the Devi is inseparable from the Jiva atma. The text also talks about Ambal and the benefits one gets by adulating her lotus feet (thiruvadi mathippu), finding solace in her abhaya mudra and what it means to be looked at by her, even if it is just once in a million lifetimes.

Soundarya Lahari is an inner journey, towards the Primal Force, The Great Goddess, the Mother from whom everything begins and everything ends.

According to Sri Vidhya tantra, the verses in Soundarya Lahari can only be used for the benefit of others and not for the self. In doing so, the upasaka will partake the Ambal’s duties of serving the world at large. This brings him/her closer to the Mother, with her granting him moksha (salvation or nirvana) this lifetime itself.

Blessed by the Her Grace, Guru Srivathsan Swamy expounds the intricate depths of Soundarya Lahari, offering both the contextual and subliminal meanings behind the ancient text. Every class is a window into the creation, exploring the different tattvas that define and hold the cosmos and the hidden meanings behind daily rituals and practices.

Sri Gurubyo Nama: